Friday, October 10, 2008

Make Sure . . .You are Ready

This week our church is having revival with Bro. Woody Lee from Calhoun, Georgia preaching each night. We have had some great services. The music has been great. The preaching has been great. Most importantly, God’s presence has been Great.

I am confident that He is pleased with the renewing of our hearts as we have partaken of His Goodness and Power and felt His Holy Spirit moving within each service.

And here is the tie to our youth.

Our phone rang Wednesday night around 10:30 p.m. On the other end, was the mother of a young man in our youth group. He is seven years old with a spirit way beyond his years. He sings quite frequently at church and is a blessing to everyone. She asked if Keith could speak with her son.

A while back, he made a profession of faith and was baptized. As I realized who Keith was talking to, I thought to myself, “I wonder what he’s wanting. He’s saved. Maybe he has questions about something else.” As the conversation progressed, Keith heard from this little guy’s heart.

He told Keith that he had went and prayed before, but didn’t really understand what he was doing. Back then, he was only five and just a kid. After attending the first nights of revival (and even prior to then) he realized something was not right. He fully comprehended he still stood in need of Salvation. So, Wednesday night, after church, he called his dad into his bedroom. He explained his feelings to him and his mother then joined in.

After some conversation, he prayed. He asked Jesus to come into his heart and save him.

And now he knows things are different.

He understands what he is singing about.

He no longer fears dying and going to a sinner’s Hell.

So my question is this –

Are you sure you know where you will spend eternity?

The trials of this life will be over; but will you enter a forever of peace and praise in the presence of God or will you be forever tormented in a devil’s Hell?

Take it from this little guy, just because you join a church, attend faithfully, and sing your songs, all of those things are not good enough to get you to Heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9 states, For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.) It's not because of what we do - it's because of what Jesus did.

Keep one thing in mind you don't have to do anything to get to Hell, that's your destination. Thank God, you can change your course by accepting Jesus as your Savior (Romans 10:9-13).